Well, that didn’t last long did it? Everyday I write on Magickwyrds I see this template, which I love! The colours and textures of this background are so lovely- I wish I could paint a room in my house to look like this. And everyday my fingers itch to come back here and write about something. . . magickal. I thought three blogs was too hard- they are barely enough! I would have to write three posts a day to cover everything I have to talk about this year!
But that’s a bit much, don’t you think? So, maybe we’ll just meet here a couple of time a week, and discuss things like civilized people, shall we? I’d also like to change the focus a little over here at the Griffon’s Grimoire. I know I had some pretty grand ideas last summer, but it got intimidating to follow my own rules, and I let it get not fun to be here, so this time around we’ll just focus on the fun stuff, shall we?
Whatever that turns out to be. No rules today- only lists! This weekend I was making a list of all the Pathfinder Characters I would like to create this year, and all the things they need to make it in their little world.
Weezrds are fun, so they can stay here. Clairiks are. . . kinda tedious looking, so we’ll save them for later. But I think I need a Tank, because a Roog has no business being the first through the door- (and because most of the boys just stand around outside in the hall wondering what to do. . .)
Then there are the kinds of Characters to be! Gnooms and ilves and duwarphs and. . . Kitsune! And Ten glues! and Half-a-flings!
Well, this list just got unmanageable, didn’t it? And that much more fun. . .
When I started this blog, I had just begun hanging out with gamers, and learning to play the game. Now, a few short months later, I have two binders full of character sheets, and AR’s and Chronicles, and my own set of rule books, and more dice than my husband!
. . . What do you mean, no I don’t have more dice than you? Hmm. I need more dice, then. But I need to see them, cause you can’t tell what the colours are online. . . what’s this kon-ven-shun I’ve been hearing people talking about. . .
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